Friday, December 4, 2009

Host Protection and the CLR - How to Bypass It

Since we are in the middle of talking about modifying mscorlib.dll for our own malicious intent, I will tell you guys a little about Host Protection. Host Protection "allows an application hosting the CLR to declare some types of operations off limits for use by hosted code."

Microsoft describes this feature of the CLR as a 'reliability feature', more than a security feature. However 'use specifies definition' and it is used all over the place in mscorlib to restrict untrusted code from executing certain behaviors. Altering it does present a serious reliability issue, but in any case you need to - here is the simple way to remove it.

Fully trusted code will never be disallowed any HostProtectionCategory.

To read more on this subject go to

Take the writline(string):void method from the IL dump of the assembly mscorlib.

.method public hidebysig static void WriteLine(string 'value') cil managed
.permissionset linkcheck
= {class 'System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' = {property bool 'UI' = bool(true)}}
// Code size 12 (0xc)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: call class System.IO.TextWriter System.Console::get_Out()
IL_0005: ldarg.0
IL_0006: callvirt instance void System.IO.TextWriter::WriteLine(string)
IL_000b: ret
} // end of method Console::WriteLine

This code specifies the HostProtectionCategory 'UI'. If the calling code is not trusted for UI access, the operation fails to run and throws a HostProtectionException.

Simply delete the specified .permissionset opcode and its value, or alter it (this may cause trusted code to be denied if you are changing the boolean operation. coding...

The resultant code will be:

.method public hidebysig static void WriteLine(string 'value') cil managed
// Code size 12 (0xc)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: call class System.IO.TextWriter System.Console::get_Out()
IL_0005: ldarg.0
IL_0006: callvirt instance void System.IO.TextWriter::WriteLine(string)
IL_000b: ret
} // end of method Console::WriteLine

Now compile mscorlib.dll using ILASM and stick it back into the GAC using a directory filesystem copy to all child directories c:\windows\assembly\gac_32\mscorlib. Remember to unregister the NGen copies of assembly from all of the c:\windows\assembly\nativeimage locations simply run
ngen uninstall mscorlib
Next delete the files from their locations in native images after you unregister them using ngen. Search for in c:\windows\assembly and delete all copies from the appropriate directories.

Now I have not had to alter this attribute just yet for any reason. If someone has any input to contribute on cases where this would be beneficial to violate... Internet Code in the unprotected zone, etc... don't be afraid to post.


  1. This could be useful in some cases where you want to use a third party dll inside of SQL Server. I'm guessing this could be used to strip the permission requirements from the SQL CLR implementation.

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